"We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might, and the wonders that he has done."
Psalm 78:4
Our children's ministry–Journey Kids– offers ministry for children from infancy through third grade. We use The Gospel Project for Kids curriculum which features Christ-centered chronological bible studies designed specifically for children. We desire to see your children treasure Jesus Christ with their whole being and enjoy our time together each week as they begin their journey with Him!
We believe that the primary responsibility for spiritual nurturing falls with the parents, before any other institution. According to the Bible, we as parents are to teach our children about the Lord and his commandments at all times. As parents shepherd their children through Scripture, our ministry serves as reinforcement to their teaching. (Psalm 78:1-8; Ephesians 6:1-4)
Journey Kids desires to partner with parents in building a strong spiritual foundation for life from infancy by showing Christ's love to each child and his/her family, teaching Biblical truths through activities that are Christ centered and child oriented, and encouraging the development of relationships with peers and members of the Journey Family
We believe that the primary responsibility for spiritual nurturing falls with the parents, before any other institution. According to the Bible, we as parents are to teach our children about the Lord and his commandments at all times. As parents shepherd their children through Scripture, our ministry serves as reinforcement to their teaching. (Psalm 78:1-8; Ephesians 6:1-4)
Journey Kids desires to partner with parents in building a strong spiritual foundation for life from infancy by showing Christ's love to each child and his/her family, teaching Biblical truths through activities that are Christ centered and child oriented, and encouraging the development of relationships with peers and members of the Journey Family
Frequently Asked Questions
What classrooms does Journey Kids offer?
We have 5 classrooms tailored to specific age groups: Nursery, 12 months–24 months, 3-4 year olds, K-1st Grade, and 2nd-5th Grade
Where do we go to check in our children?
Check in stations are available upstairs in our children's ministry area. At check in, you will receive a name tag for your child and a corresponding security identification tag for pickup.
How do I check in my children on Sunday morning?
All children must be checked into their appropriate classrooms by a parent or guardian. Each child is checked in and given two name tags for identification; one for the child and one for the parent/guardian. Parents/Guardians must keep this identification tag with them until they are ready to check their children out of their classrooms. Children under 5 years of age can be checked into their classroom anytime after 9:40. If you would like to check out our classroom area before service please ask any of our volunteers for a tour.
How do I check out my children on Sunday morning?
When parents/guardians arrive to check out their children, they must present the appropriate name identification tag. JourneyKids volunteers will not allow a child to leave the children’s area without the appropriate tag, no exceptions.
What do the children do while they are in Journey Kids?
Children will worship with music, listen to the lesson’s Bible story, and they will also participate in fun activities and games that help reinforce what was learned in the story.
Still have questions?
If you have any questions about our children's ministry at Journey Church, please send us an email using the link below.