Healing Water
As we transition from chapter 4 to chapter 5 in the gospel of John, we enter a new sub-section (chapters 5-10) of the gospel. Over the course of the next 6 chapters, we will see Jesus perform signs and wonders at 4 different feasts. These signs reveal that He is the fulfillment of all that the feasts point to. Yet, He is not received by Jewish leadership. Instead they focus on the fact that the signs, the miracles and healings are taking place on the Sabbath. Therefore, they begin to confront and rebuke Jesus for 'working' on the Sabbath. Jesus' response to these accusations will be the catalyst for his opponents seeking to kill him. In Chapter 5, John presents us with a beautiful example of Jesus' compassion, power, mercy as He reveals himself as the Messiah. He has come not primarily for our physical health, but for our holiness.