A Life Pleasing to God
These verses are an exhortation to this young church–who are doing well spiritually–to continue to increase in the kind of conduct that pleases God in the areas of sexual conduct and brotherly love. While the cultural context and circumstances may differ significantly from our own, there is still much here for the church today.
Discussion Questions:
1. What do you think are some of the greatest challenges to 'abstaining from sexual immorality' in our culture are at the moment? What steps could you take to guard against them for you and your family?
2. 1 Corinthians 6:11 reminds us that each of us stood guilty of all manner of sin before receiving God's forgiveness through Christ. Discuss how this reality changes the way you relate to other people, be specific.
3. Social media is a source of much interpersonal conflict within the church. Discuss ways in which social media might instead be used in a way that honors God and builds up the church...or if you think that's even possible.
4. The consistent teaching of Scripture is that idleness is an enemy of brotherly love among God's people. Are there any areas of your life where idleness is a challenge? How might you redeem that time?
5. Share briefly any areas of spiritual maturity where you feel you have experienced growth. Take turns sharing with the group those areas of spiritual maturity you would most like to see grow and pray for each other to that end.