Steadfast In Affliction

Sep 27, 2020    Matthew Savage

Paul, knowing the church in Thessalonica was experiencing affliction and persecution, sends Timothy to exhort and encourage them so that they are unmoved in their faith. Both Paul and the church were experiencing the effects of spiritual warfare such that Paul attributes their tribulation to satan. Upon Timothy's return to Paul in Corinth, he shares the good news that the Thessalonians have remained steadfast in their faith. 

Community Group Questions

1. What have you endeavored to do for Christ and his Kingdom that has been hindered by the enemy?
2. What does Paul mean when he describes Timothy as 'God's co-worker in the gospel of Christ'?
3. Why did Paul send Timothy back to Thessalonica?
4. What are common tactics the devil and his minions use to undermine our faith in Christ?
5. Both Jesus and Paul teach that in this life, Christians are appointed (or 'destined' v. 3) to suffer affliction. Why?
6. How would your life differ if you believed that suffering is a common in Christian faith? Would you walk away? Would you cling even more to Jesus? Would you trust and depend on him more? Would you grumble less knowing He has told us to expect it? Would you treasure Heaven more? 
7. What did Paul supply that was lacking in their faith? Did this lack mean they were not true Christians?
8. What three things does Paul pray for the Thessalonians in v. 11-13? What is the connection between love and holiness?