He Shall Be Their Peace
While under siege by the Assyrians, God calls Micah to proclaim to Israel a message of judgment and hope. God is punishing Israel for their wicked idolatry and greed, yet, God's judgment will not be the final word. He will send them a deliverer, a shepherd King who will gather together again what has been scattered and restore them to an even greater peace in Israel and not just Israel, but to the entire world.
Community Group Questions
1. How does the world think about peace and what are the shortcomings of those ideas?
2. How would the Bible describe/define peace?
3. Do you live most of your life abiding in this peace? What are the things that rob you of peace?
4. There is a pattern in the Bible of God taking or using small things and making them great. What are some examples throughout the Bible? And why does God work this way?
5. What is problematic about a local church that is not living with one another in peace?
6. How does the ministry of Christ produce peace in us?
7. How does the ministry of Christ produce peace between two believers when they are at odds?
8. With whom do you need to pursue making peace?