Rejoice in His Salvation
Christian joy is rooted in God’s gift of salvation through Christ Jesus and the future hope that goes along with it. We emphasize joy at advent because when Jesus was born, God was confirming his promise of salvation to all peoples. However, God’s promise of salvation will not be fulfilled until Christs second coming. Salvation is both already, but not yet. This week, we reflect on the nature of that completed work of salvation from book of the prophet Isaiah as we look to a day when all God's people will rejoice.
Discussion Questions:
1. The banquet in v.6 points to the many spiritual blessings God will bring to humanity through his Kingdom. Read Ephesians 1:3-14, What are the spiritual blessings you see named in this passage that are given to those who are in Christ? Which one stands out the most to you and Why?
2. When death–the evidence of the curse resulting form sin–is swallowed up forever (v.8) all the misery that go along with it will be removed as well. What sources of suffering, sorrow, shame, or disgrace will you be most glad for God to remove from you/the world?
3. Verse 9 reminds us that we will spend all eternity rejoicing in salvation, but our salvation still gives us much to rejoice in here and now! Share with the group an evidence of God's grace in your life now. If you can see evidence of God's grace in the life of someone else in the group...share that too! (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
4. Take turns sharing with the group how our study of these verses prompts you to pray. Then, pray for each other to that end.